Sunday, October 11, 2009

State Fair Pictures. (Our half of the state that is.)

Mom, this is for you.

These are the pictures that I entered in the state fair. Much thanks to my nieces and nephew, Utah; my daughter, Pokey, cousin who calls me aunt, Utah; and Mr. Bedouin, Judean Desert, Israel.


  1. Jenny, you are truely talented! We need you to take our family pictures again sometime.

  2. Wow! I am super impressed. Great pictures! Did you win?

    I have always said that we needed a photographer in the family. What are you doing in about 25 years? Can I book you to be the photographer at some of my future kids' weddings? :)

    Now we just need a pilot in the family and then we will be set!

  3. Thanks you two!

    I'm all up for family pictures, Jodi. It helps to have such a cute family to take pictures of!

    Deborah, yeah, 2 firsts, 1 second, an honorable mention, and an all around honorable mention. (Meaning out of 1900 photos, the camel was one of eight overall honorable mentions.)

    I nominate you for pilot. In between cake decorating and teaching you can get your license. Unless of course you would trust Sean to fly...
